Mar 5, 2014

LHL: 3/5/14 --- Poetic Musings

Fuzzy Tight Hot Pink Socks
Today, I wore a pair of your “fuzzy tight hot pink socks”…
For once, I must say, I learned a lot.
Ten hours, I walked around in a pair of your “fuzzy tight hot pink socks”….
Uncomfortable, at first they & I slowly became one,  
From inside out their massaging soothing affect began to manifest,
But, from head to toe I felt, there was still more for me to learn yet.
Fuzzy, tight, hot pink socks gave me a brief glimpse into your world’s bend…
Still not, til the sun began to set, did I focus on the point of my journey’s end.
Walking around in your “fuzzy tight hot pink socks”….
Had me wondering, pondering what it is that I’ve really, really got.
Like those fuzzy tight hot pink socks, your love holds me ever so close…
Protecting me from the bitterly cold world; stretching never breaking to conform to my abnormally
Oblong, obsessions & generously …. Your love excites me with new direction.
Those fuzzy tight hot pink socks so special, so you;
Taught me again today, something that I could never ever forget …
That being in “this love”, is only as good as a pair of “your fuzzy tight hot pink socks.”