May 17, 2013

LHL 5/17 :Poetic Musings ---My eyes are raining ...

My eyes are raining  Rain rain rain just go the f@ck away ..., Cause You're messing up my f@cking day... I can't eat, can't sleep, can't think man oh man, do I hate feeling this way... But wait, look over there way over the distant distant skies, Are my eyes deceiving me or is she a mirage? An angelic beauty from heaven ...sent down to me, to fill the void you left.. To dry up these tearful wells of sorrow and despair. Her beauty unrivaled by any in the land near or far... Her golden hair like the sun's first shine bringing warmth to the earth and to my heart Her eyes are akin to the ocean's deep hue except they are brown not blue.. Her seductively soft rose petal like lips taste like a devine decadent treat... Her pleasure dries away the rain in my eyes forever!

May 7, 2013

Lockhart Line Sports- recap of posts from last week

Published on May 1, 2013 RD gives a report on the latest NBA & NFL news.

Published on May 2, 2013 More sports and weather!!!