Alex Brandon / AP
DALLAS- As the 2009 New Year continues its dawning, America is continuing a of journey towards change that began in earnest on November 4th, 2008 with the historic landslide electoral college election of Barack Hussein Obama. The newly elected president and athletic father of two will provide a daily reminder to all of us Americans that "active participation" involves getting up from the desk or couch and actually breaking a sweat. "We're a very sports-loving country and it would be unusual if our president in one way or another was not sports connected," said Stephen Hess, a presidential scholar who served in the Eisenhower and Nixon administrations. ( With a poor economy and bleak outlook overall domestically many Americans will surely resolve this year to spend less and find ways to reduce our carbon footprint while also shedding some unwanted pounds.
As one should expect of the man who will soon be the leader of the free world, president-elect Obama has a rigorous daily schedule that must include time for his workout or he will not be the cool character that we see behind the microphone during his press conferences. For at least 48 days in a row during and after the campaign, his day has included at least 90 minutes in the gym. An hour and a half, may seem like only a short period of time or an eternity depending on your physical fitness level but, the reward of maintaining a daily work routine is something utterly vital to the success of the youngest elected president of our time.
Lawerence Jackson / AP
His commitment to staying in shape is a testament to his ability to manage stress and maintain a clear mind. As a veteran of the armed forces, I have to respect a man that has the intestinal fortitude that it takes to commit to a daily regime that includes being physically fit. Since my days in the military, working out and staying in shape has always been a way to escape for me as well. It has also assisted with me working through life challenges and also helps me assess the opportunities that lay ahead. I was astonished to find out that president-elect Obama also uses his work out time to reflect and work out the some of his most perplexing life challenges.
Obama, who favors a post-workout snack of a protein bar and organic iced tea, has already disclosed some of his own plans for his new home. He wants to build a full basketball court where he can hold games on the White House grounds, and to maintain his usual routine of exercising at least six days a week.
Jae C.Hong/AP
It's a schedule he started as a 22-year-old student at Columbia University in New York, and it immediately transformed him. In his 1995 autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama said he was a casual drug user and an underachiever until he decided to start running three miles each day. He stopped staying out late, fasted on Sundays and became a voracious reader, spending most of his time alone in his apartment reading classic literature and philosophical texts.
Physical fitness yielded mental fitness, Obama decided, and the two concepts have been married in his mind ever since. ( Let's go America and get in shape for the New Year and beyond!!