DALLAS- At precisely 11 pm eastern time it was announced to the world that Democratic nominee Barack Obama would be the winner of the 2008 United States presidential election. For the first time in modern American history, an African-American (bi-racial, whatever we know what colors the coffee) will take the highest office in the land. The face of America has changed forever.
Mama, we made it!!
Everyone in the world take notice, the world is not coming to an end
His opponent Republican nominee Senator John McCain had just finished up his concession speech to a live Republican audience when the feelings of being a part of something truly historic struck me. Not since the re-election of Bill Clinton in 1996 have I been so involved and personally connected to a presidential election. Euphoria is the best way to describe the compulsive emotion that is driving my fingers in their fevered typing spree. The next chapters of this country's majestic fantasy of the American dream will be lived out in live and living color.
A black man is going to lead the United States of America the leader of the free world. He will face enormous pressures starting first with the bleak economy. We will all be watching with so many watchful and hopeful eyes as he takes the reins of the country on inauguration day. In what has been depicted by many noted economists as the worst economic period since the Great Depression (remember "when America sneezes the world gets a cold") we will send in the youngest American president to bring about the promise of change that got him elected. But we must practice patience. Rome wasn't built in day. Only burnt in one day!!
YES WE DID!!Going against the grain won't be easy. Together, we will take many steps as a society over the next few years as the barriers of color, race, religion, and sex all began to break and be reborn. This pleasant sensation that is overwhelmingly swinging throughout me is fantastically significant as President-elect Obama, prepares to lead the greatest country in the world.
YES WE DID!!The reaction and emotion to this historic night will last a lifetime and will be written by many for ages the to come. This feeling of pride will be felt by the greater many of us Americans great and small, as we begin the real transition forward into the future. The "city on the hill" that Ronald Reagan spoke so eloquently about in the past has returned to it's greater history and chosen this time to be a "maverick".
YES WE DID!!The chains of slavery have officially been broken and the sourness of Jim Crow turned bittersweet. No longer will those old hateful images which portrayed an America, still in it's infancy during the turbulent 1960s, define this country. On this historic night, I am the proudest that I have ever been of my country. Get ready world, at this very moment we all are confidently stepping into the next millennium of life.
President-elect Barack Obama addresses the nation:
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