Jul 1, 2014

LHL:Really Different Sports --- Urban Camp Weekend

Ok so the only sporting event that was of any consequence to me was the #urbancampweekend down in New Braunsfel, TX. Not sure if you can call it a real sport but if you took the #riverfront hill challenge, you know like I know that this weekend was more than just an event, it was an adventure!!! The annual event put on by our humble hosts and all around stand-up dudes James L. Robertson, Gary Jermaine and Kevin Knight was, "live live all the way live!" Just about everybody was able to leave their worries and cares behind for two of the most memorable and drama free days on the calendar. You brothers (James, Gary, Kevin) and everyone that participated this past weekend are a bright and shining examples of "how we do it" and "how we are doing it" in 2014 and beyond. I truly believe that we made some truly life long memories and friendships in just a weekend.
The wife and I are looking forward to the next adventure!

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