Feb 11, 2009

Stimulus passes Senate sealed with a Presidential kiss!!!

Yesterday our dear president further showed his benevolence and sincerity in Fort Meyers, Florida. He spoke to a group of American people who know full well the seriousness of the nations weak economy. Unemployment in the area is up to 10 percent, from 2.3 percent this time in 2006, and the area's foreclosure rate of 12 percent is the highest in the nation. (Huffingtonpost.com)

The now 838 billion dollar stimulus plan narrowly passed in the Senate yesterday by a vote of 61-37. The folks in attendance at the town hall where the president spoke, know full well the benefits of a stimulus package approval. When President Obama received the news that a revised form of his bill had passed the Senate, he announced the good news to the crowd which was thirsty for any good economic news after so much doom and gloom. President Obama then took open questions from the diverse crowd of woeful Floridians and was moved to action by the story of Henrietta Hughes. Her story like many in that state has become exasperatingly dire and she spoke from her heart about her desperate need for a home. She and her son lost there home last year when her son lost his job. Without any residence Ms. Hughes was not allowed to vote in the historic election of 2008. Silenced by the irresponsible business actions of corporate CEOs which created the country's poor economic situation she remained hopeful and prayed that Barack Obama would win the 2008 election. She was renewed by his presence yesterday and humbly implored him for immediate assistance.

"I have an urgent need, unemployment and homelessness, a very small vehicle for my family and I to live in," she said. "The housing authority has two years' waiting lists, and we need something more than the vehicle and the parks to go to. We need our own kitchen and our own bathroom. Please help."

Seizing the moment the gracious and caring president calmly left the stage and walked directly to Ms. Hughes' position in the stands and offered his attention. "We're gonna do everything we can to help you ... I'll have my staff talk to you after the town hall." he said and sealed the deal with a "Presidential kiss"

Wow..change, it just feels good doesn't it!!!

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